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Megan Dixon has over 15 years working with businesses and community groups, as well as local government.

Passionate about economic and business development, Megan loves working with organisations to solve problems.

Her broad career has seen her involved in a large number of industries which have included mining, manufacturing, aviation, agriculture, tourism, retail, property development, construction and the public sector. Megan has had success with major project facilitation, design and delivery of stakeholder engagement strategies, strategic planning, community capacity building, marketing and policy development.

Megan holds an Executive MBA from the University of Technology Sydney, a Bachelor of Commerce degree majoring in Agriculture Economics and Economic Analysis and Policy from the University of New England, and an Associate Diploma in Applied Science from the University of Queensland.

Megan has been instrumental in the delivery of a number of significant projects such as Townsville’s Riverway and NSW’s Evocities program.

Megan believes in giving back: she regularly gives talks to high school students studying business and she has served as a volunteer on
- the national Board of Economic Development Australia
- the local Board of the Dubbo Chamber of Commerce & Industry
- the Rhino Awards (celebrating business excellence in Dubbo)
- judging for the NSW Tourism Awards and
- Macquarie Anglican Grammar School P&F

With a reputation for being progressive, outcomes focused and inclusive, Megan is held in high regard by peers and colleagues across Australia and New Zealand, often being sort after for advice on governance, economic development implementation structures and project development and financing.

Available for talks and consulting jobs and always happy to meet bright people with great ideas.

Contact Megan via twitter or facebook or email:


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